Best-selling author Paula Begoun returns with her most comprehensive book and ultimate guide to smart beauty: “Don’t Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me 8th Edition”.
Known by media and consumers as the “Cosmetics Cop,” Paula reaffirms this title by providing tons of information to help you to look your best at any age.
We asked Begoun for ways to get GORGEOUS on a budget and what she has to say about eyecreams and jar packaging might just surprise you!

Beauty-samples: Name three top beauty secrets that only the pros know? Begoun says
the pros get sucked into beauty myths just like everyone else.
Begoun: Here’s what the pros should know too but don’t:
1. You don’t need an eye cream (there is no research showing the eye area needs something different then the face)
2. Do not buy moisturizers in jar packaging (state of the art ingredients deteriorate in the presence of air not to mention it isn’t hygenic.
3. Fragrance, synthetic or natural, along with alcohol irritates skin and cause inflamm-aging and can stimulate oil production in the oil gland.
Begoun shares 2 tips for recession proofing your beauty routine.
1. Don’t buy the latest fad.
2. Don’t believe the myth that expensive means better (it absolutely doesn’t in the world of cosmetics)
Beauty-samples: What can Anti-Wrinkle Creams do, and what can they absolutely not do?
Begoun: When they are well formulated they can build collagen, protect skin from free radical damage, improve the skin’s barrier, smooth wrinkles etc.
What they absolutely can’t do is work like the claims on the label or even remotely work like anything a cosmetic dermatologist can provide (there isn’t a skin care product that replaces Botox or dermal fillers, it is foolish and a waste of money to believe those ads).
Beauty-samples: Are eye-creams a waste of money? Is it necessary to have separate creams for your face and eyes, or not?
Begoun: Yes, they are a complete waste of money. As I mentioned, there is no research showing the eye area needs something different then the face.
Beauty-samples: When it comes to sunscreen, what’s the real difference between SPF levels?
Begoun: The SPF number tells you how long you can stay in the sun without burning, the higher the SPF the longer the protection.
Beauty-samples: What is inflamm-aging?
Begoun: It is believed that inflammation causes most aging in the body, when skin is “inflamed” by sun damage, stress, pollution, irritating skin care ingredients, etc it causes the breakdown of collagen, elastin, causes skin to make unhealthy cells, wrinkles, etc.
Beauty-samples: Why should you avoiding jar packaging?
Begoun: They don’t keep the truly beneficial ingredients such as antoxidants stable. Most state of the art ingredients are air sensitive, plus it isn’t hygenic and the bacteria from your fingers further degrades the ingredients.
Beauty-samples: What are the benefits to regular exfoliation?
Begoun: We all have sun damage and that damage causes the outer layer of skin to become thick, and it can’t shed as it normally would.
When you help skin exfoliate in a normal manner it is one of the most immediate improvements to skin you can get.
Beauty-samples: What are some natural solutions for removing skin discolorations, wrinkles and dry skin?
Begoun: Natural is a joke, so you’ll have to let someone else lie to you about that. But in the real world of research on skin, sun protection is THE number one thing!!! Every day, 365 days a year!
Then you can add for brown skin discolorations the active ingredient hydroquinone (even the plant extracts that show they efficacy breakdown in skin to be hydroquinone).
Dry skin is about shoring up the outer barrier of your skin, that takes a brilliantly formulated “moisturizer” but a little plant oil over the top of any moisturizer (olive oil, safflower oil, evening primrose oil) can make a beautiful difference.